Pelvic Floor Yoga
Yoga teaches us to listen to our bodies, but most of us can't "hear" the pelvic floor until it is screaming at us. It's culturally accepted that incontinence when sneezing or coughing is just a normal part of pregnancy and our post-childbirth bodies, or brought on by simply aging.
It's common, but it's not normal!
If your pelvic floor isn’t what it used to be or you’re living with pelvic discomforts like prolapse or pain during sex or exercise, it's next to impossible to ignore. But seeing a doctor for these issues can be frustrating. Your doctor may downplay your physical and emotional distress, say you need to accept, it or offer unnecessary surgery. And insurance rarely covers physical therapy or other forms of non-invasive treatment, even with a doctor’s referral.
What is not widely known is that modern lifestyle may be a huge contributing factor in a weak pelvic floor. Changing the way you sit, stand, and move (or rather, don't move) can have a huge impact on the stability of your core. And that’s just on a physical level. Stress, trauma, and the stories whirling through the mind (“vrittis”) are expressed in the body. They are the foundation of poorly functioning pelvic floor. Building self-awareness and a practice to address these challenges is key to bring lasting change to the entire self, including the pelvic floor.
Our pelvic floor yoga series is appropriate for any person with female anatomy, of any age/life-stage, who would like to build core and pelvic floor awareness and stability. Each class is preceded with an email outlining a theme for practice and questions for personal reflection, often inspired by the Sutras of Patanjali. Our practice together includes time for check-in and questions, discussion of our theme and accompanying Sutras, and a gentle breath-centered practice. New students will be given a link to a 45-minute introductory video that should be viewed prior to their first class. Pre-registration required, minimum of four needed to run the class, maximum eight.
Pelvic Floor Yoga uses lots of props! Please have the following items available for our practice:
two or three yoga blankets or beach towels
two blocks
a long yoga strap
Sometimes we may use a chair- a metal folding chair is best, but a standard kitchen chair works, too. We may also use a wall, therapy(massage) balls, and extra props listed above. If you do decide to invest in some props, I have created an Amazon list with all of the items you need. (One bolster is sufficient- you may choose between a round bolster or a rectangular one. Both are listed; Also, be sure to purchase a 10’ strap- the longest available.) In-person practice, please bring a basic set of props as listed above. There is a $10 cleaning fee to use mine.
Hybrid classes: Class recordings will be uploaded weekly to refer to for home practice or in case of missed class. These recordings will be accessible ONLY to class members and will be available until the start of the next session. There will be no recordings for series that are solely in-person.
Currently nothing scheduled. Please email if you are interested in setting up a series.
4-week series: $109